Ilham Noer
Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017












Senin, 14 Agustus 2017
Job Application
Name:Ilham Noer Nasution
Nim: 1620201090
From the
employer's perspective, the application serves a number of purposes. These vary
depending on the nature of the job and the preferences of the person
responsible for hiring, as "each organization should have an application
form that reflects its own environment. At a minimum, an application
usually requires the applicant to provide information sufficient to demonstrate
that he or she is legally permitted to be employed. The typical application
also requires the applicant to provide information regarding relevant skills, education,
and experience (previous
employment or volunteer work). The application itself is a minor test of the
applicant's literacy, penmanship,
and communication
skills - a careless job applicant might disqualify
themselves with a poorly filled-out application.
What is job
job application is a legally defensible listing of your job applicant’s employment history, educational background, degrees, qualifications, references, and more.
job application is a legally defensible listing of your job applicant’s employment history, educational background, degrees, qualifications, references, and more.
When is job
application used by company?
job application is used a company when company wants to see the background of prospective employees
job application is used a company when company wants to see the background of prospective employees
Because to illustrate how you are the best person for the company and that you have the qualifications that they find.
Because to illustrate how you are the best person for the company and that you have the qualifications that they find.
How to write a job
application letter?
- How to get started
- Writing Guidelines for Job Application Letters
- Contact information and date
- Salutation
- Body of email
- Complimentary close
1. Everybody
need get a job.
2. Fresh
graduate from university, Vocational High School, Senior high school, etc.
Where is a
job application letter to send?
- Companies
- Office
- Shop
- Shipment
- Aviation
Mampu Membaca dan Menulis
Keahlian Menulis Indah
Lingkungan Hidup
Jumat, 27 Januari 2017
Definition Contactor
Definition Contactor
Nama:Ilham Noer Nasution/1620201090
The concept for DP contactors and starters originated in the 1950s at the request of several large HVAC OEMs. A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit, similar to relay except with higher current ratings. A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
Contactors come in many forms with varying capacities and features. Unlike a circuit breaker, a contactor is not intended to interrupt a short ciruiit current. Contactors range from those having a breaking current of several amperes to thousands of amperes and 24 V DC to many kilovolts. The physical size of contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one hand, to large devices approximately a meter on a side.
Contactors are used to control electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor banks, thermal evaporators, and other electrical loads. A contactor has three components. The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor. This includes power contacts, auxiliary contacts, and contact springs. The electromagnet (or "coil") provides the driving force to close the contacts.
The enclosure is a frame housing the contact and the electromagnet. Enclosures are made of insulating materials like Bakelite, Nylon 6, and thermosetting plastics to protect and insulate the contacts and to provide some measure of protection against personnel touching the contacts. Open-frame contactors may have a further enclosure to protect against dust, oil, explosion hazards and weather.NO (Normally Open) on the contactor is located in the coil number 13 and 14 , while NC(Normally Close) is located in the coil number 21 and 22.
Magnetic blowouts use blowout coils to lengthen and move the electric arc. These are especially useful in DC power circuits. AC arcs have periods of low current, during which the arc can be extinguished with relative ease, but DC arcs have continuous high current, so blowing them out requires the arc to be stretched further than an AC arc of the same current. The magnetic blowouts in the pictured Albright contactor (which is designed for DC currents) more than double the current it can break, increasing it from 600 A to 1,500 A.
Sometimes an economizer circuit is also installed to reduce the power required to keep a contactor closed; an auxiliary contact reduces coil current after the contactor closessomewhat greater amount of power is required to initially close a contactor than is required to keep it closed. Such a circuit can save a substantial amount of power and allow the energized coil to stay cooler. Economizer circuits are nearly always applied on direct-current contactor coils and on large alternating current contactor coils.
A basic contactor will have a coil input (which may be driven by either an AC or DC supply depending on the contactor design). The coil may be energized at the same voltage as a motor the contactor is controlling, or may be separately controlled with a lower coil voltage better suited to control by programmable controllers and lower-voltage pilot devices. Certain contactors have series coils connected in the motor circuit; these are used, for example, for automatic acceleration control, where the next stage of resistance is not cut out until the motor current has dropped.
Konsep untuk kontaktor DP dan pemula berasal dari tahun 1950-an atas permintaan beberapa OEM HVAC besar. Sebuah kontaktor adalah sebuah saklar yang dikendalikan secara elektrik digunakan untuk beralih sirkuit listrik, mirip dengan relay kecuali dengan penilaian saat ini lebih tinggi. Sebuah kontaktor dikendalikan oleh sebuah sirkuit yang memiliki tingkat daya yang jauh lebih rendah daripada circuit switched.
Kontaktor datang dalam berbagai bentuk dengan berbagai kapasitas dan fitur. Tidak seperti pemutus sirkuit, kontaktor tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengganggu hubungan pendek arus. Kontaktor berkisar dari mereka yang memiliki arus melanggar beberapa ampere ke ribuan ampere dan 24 V DC ke banyak kilovolt. Ukuran fisik kontaktor berkisar dari perangkat yang cukup kecil untuk mengambil dengan satu tangan, untuk perangkat besar sekitar satu meter di sisi.
Kontaktor yang digunakan untuk mengontrol motor listrik, pencahayaan, pemanasan, kapasitor bank, evaporator termal, dan beban listrik lainnya.
Sebuah kontaktor memiliki tiga komponen. Kontak adalah membawa bagian saat kontaktor. Ini termasuk kontak listrik, kontak bantu, dan kontak mata. Elektromagnet (atau "coil") memberikan kekuatan pendorong untuk menutup kontak. kandang adalah bingkai perumahan kontak dan elektromagnet. Kandang terbuat dari bahan isolasi seperti Bakelite, Nylon 6, dan thermosetting plastik untuk melindungi dan mengisolasi kontak dan untuk menyediakan beberapa ukuran perlindungan terhadap personil menyentuh kontak. Terbuka-frame kontaktor mungkin memiliki kandang lebih lanjut untuk melindungi terhadap debu, minyak, bahaya ledakan dan cuaca
. letak NO pada kontaktor terletak di nomor koil 13 dan 14 sedangkan koil NC berada di nomor koil 21 dan 22ledakan gas magnetik menggunakan kumparan ledakan untuk memperpanjang dan memindahkan busur listrik. Ini sangat berguna dalam sirkuit listrik DC.busur AC memiliki periode rendah saat ini, di mana busur dapat dipadamkan dengan relatif mudah, tetapi DC busur memiliki arus tinggi terus menerus, sehingga meniup mereka keluar membutuhkan busur yang akan membentang lebih jauh dari busur AC dari arus yang sama. The ledakan gas magnetik di kontaktor Albright yang digambarkan (yang dirancang untuk arus DC) lebih dari dua kali lipat saat itu dapat mematahkan, meningkat dari 600 A sampai 1.500 A.
Kadang-kadang sirkuit economizer juga dipasang untuk mengurangi daya yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kontaktor ditutup; kontak bantu mengurangi coil saat setelah kontaktor menutup. Sebuah jumlah yang agak lebih besar dari daya yang dibutuhkan untuk awalnya menutup kontaktor dari yang dibutuhkan untuk tetap ditutup. sirkuit tersebut dapat menyimpan sejumlah besar kekuasaan dan memungkinkan kumparan energi untuk tetap dingin. sirkuit economizer hampir selalu diterapkan pada kumparan kontaktor arus searah dan bolak besar kumparan kontaktor saat ini.
Sebuah kontaktor dasar akan memiliki masukan coil (yang mungkin didorong oleh baik pasokan AC atau DC tergantung pada desain kontaktor). kumparan dapat diberi energi pada tegangan yang sama sebagai motor kontaktor mengendalikan, atau dapat dikontrol secara terpisah dengan tegangan koil yang lebih rendah lebih cocok untuk mengontrol oleh pengendali programmable dan perangkat pilot tegangan rendah. kontaktor tertentu memiliki kumparan terhubung seri di sirkuit motor; ini digunakan, misalnya, untuk kontrol percepatan otomatis, di mana tahap berikutnya resistance tidak dipotong sampai saat ini motor telah turun. [2]
Build 5W + 1H
What is Contactor ?
contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit, similar to a relay except with higher current ratings.
who control the contactor ?
A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
where is the location of NO and NC ?
NO (Normally Open) on the contactor is located in the coil number 13 and 14 , while NC(Normally Close) is located in the coil number 21 and 22.
when was the contactor found ?
The concept for DP contactors and starters originated in the 1950s.
why is the economizer circuit also installed in the contactor ?
an economizer circuit is also installed to reduce the power required to keep a contactor closed; an auxiliary contact reduces coil current after the contactor closes.
how many components in the contactor ?
A contactor has three components.
1) The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor.
2) Acontactor is not intended to interrupt a short circuitcurrent.
3)The physical size of contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one hand.
1) A contactor has three components.
2) This includes power contacts, auxiliary contacts, andcontact springs.
Present Continous Tense
The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor
S To be V1+ing O
Reason : Because the sentence tell the event which on going
Simple Present Tense
Magnetic blowouts use blowout coils to lengthen and move the electric arc
S V1 O
Reason : Because the sentence is a fact
Active and Passive Sentences
1) The contacts are carrying part of the contactor.
2) A circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit contactor a control.
1) Part of contactor is being carried by the contacs.
2) A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
Nama:Ilham Noer Nasution/1620201090
The concept for DP contactors and starters originated in the 1950s at the request of several large HVAC OEMs. A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit, similar to relay except with higher current ratings. A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
Contactors come in many forms with varying capacities and features. Unlike a circuit breaker, a contactor is not intended to interrupt a short ciruiit current. Contactors range from those having a breaking current of several amperes to thousands of amperes and 24 V DC to many kilovolts. The physical size of contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one hand, to large devices approximately a meter on a side.
Contactors are used to control electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor banks, thermal evaporators, and other electrical loads. A contactor has three components. The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor. This includes power contacts, auxiliary contacts, and contact springs. The electromagnet (or "coil") provides the driving force to close the contacts.
The enclosure is a frame housing the contact and the electromagnet. Enclosures are made of insulating materials like Bakelite, Nylon 6, and thermosetting plastics to protect and insulate the contacts and to provide some measure of protection against personnel touching the contacts. Open-frame contactors may have a further enclosure to protect against dust, oil, explosion hazards and weather.NO (Normally Open) on the contactor is located in the coil number 13 and 14 , while NC(Normally Close) is located in the coil number 21 and 22.
Magnetic blowouts use blowout coils to lengthen and move the electric arc. These are especially useful in DC power circuits. AC arcs have periods of low current, during which the arc can be extinguished with relative ease, but DC arcs have continuous high current, so blowing them out requires the arc to be stretched further than an AC arc of the same current. The magnetic blowouts in the pictured Albright contactor (which is designed for DC currents) more than double the current it can break, increasing it from 600 A to 1,500 A.
Sometimes an economizer circuit is also installed to reduce the power required to keep a contactor closed; an auxiliary contact reduces coil current after the contactor closessomewhat greater amount of power is required to initially close a contactor than is required to keep it closed. Such a circuit can save a substantial amount of power and allow the energized coil to stay cooler. Economizer circuits are nearly always applied on direct-current contactor coils and on large alternating current contactor coils.
A basic contactor will have a coil input (which may be driven by either an AC or DC supply depending on the contactor design). The coil may be energized at the same voltage as a motor the contactor is controlling, or may be separately controlled with a lower coil voltage better suited to control by programmable controllers and lower-voltage pilot devices. Certain contactors have series coils connected in the motor circuit; these are used, for example, for automatic acceleration control, where the next stage of resistance is not cut out until the motor current has dropped.
Konsep untuk kontaktor DP dan pemula berasal dari tahun 1950-an atas permintaan beberapa OEM HVAC besar. Sebuah kontaktor adalah sebuah saklar yang dikendalikan secara elektrik digunakan untuk beralih sirkuit listrik, mirip dengan relay kecuali dengan penilaian saat ini lebih tinggi. Sebuah kontaktor dikendalikan oleh sebuah sirkuit yang memiliki tingkat daya yang jauh lebih rendah daripada circuit switched.
Kontaktor datang dalam berbagai bentuk dengan berbagai kapasitas dan fitur. Tidak seperti pemutus sirkuit, kontaktor tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengganggu hubungan pendek arus. Kontaktor berkisar dari mereka yang memiliki arus melanggar beberapa ampere ke ribuan ampere dan 24 V DC ke banyak kilovolt. Ukuran fisik kontaktor berkisar dari perangkat yang cukup kecil untuk mengambil dengan satu tangan, untuk perangkat besar sekitar satu meter di sisi.
Kontaktor yang digunakan untuk mengontrol motor listrik, pencahayaan, pemanasan, kapasitor bank, evaporator termal, dan beban listrik lainnya.
Sebuah kontaktor memiliki tiga komponen. Kontak adalah membawa bagian saat kontaktor. Ini termasuk kontak listrik, kontak bantu, dan kontak mata. Elektromagnet (atau "coil") memberikan kekuatan pendorong untuk menutup kontak. kandang adalah bingkai perumahan kontak dan elektromagnet. Kandang terbuat dari bahan isolasi seperti Bakelite, Nylon 6, dan thermosetting plastik untuk melindungi dan mengisolasi kontak dan untuk menyediakan beberapa ukuran perlindungan terhadap personil menyentuh kontak. Terbuka-frame kontaktor mungkin memiliki kandang lebih lanjut untuk melindungi terhadap debu, minyak, bahaya ledakan dan cuaca
. letak NO pada kontaktor terletak di nomor koil 13 dan 14 sedangkan koil NC berada di nomor koil 21 dan 22ledakan gas magnetik menggunakan kumparan ledakan untuk memperpanjang dan memindahkan busur listrik. Ini sangat berguna dalam sirkuit listrik DC.busur AC memiliki periode rendah saat ini, di mana busur dapat dipadamkan dengan relatif mudah, tetapi DC busur memiliki arus tinggi terus menerus, sehingga meniup mereka keluar membutuhkan busur yang akan membentang lebih jauh dari busur AC dari arus yang sama. The ledakan gas magnetik di kontaktor Albright yang digambarkan (yang dirancang untuk arus DC) lebih dari dua kali lipat saat itu dapat mematahkan, meningkat dari 600 A sampai 1.500 A.
Kadang-kadang sirkuit economizer juga dipasang untuk mengurangi daya yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kontaktor ditutup; kontak bantu mengurangi coil saat setelah kontaktor menutup. Sebuah jumlah yang agak lebih besar dari daya yang dibutuhkan untuk awalnya menutup kontaktor dari yang dibutuhkan untuk tetap ditutup. sirkuit tersebut dapat menyimpan sejumlah besar kekuasaan dan memungkinkan kumparan energi untuk tetap dingin. sirkuit economizer hampir selalu diterapkan pada kumparan kontaktor arus searah dan bolak besar kumparan kontaktor saat ini.
Sebuah kontaktor dasar akan memiliki masukan coil (yang mungkin didorong oleh baik pasokan AC atau DC tergantung pada desain kontaktor). kumparan dapat diberi energi pada tegangan yang sama sebagai motor kontaktor mengendalikan, atau dapat dikontrol secara terpisah dengan tegangan koil yang lebih rendah lebih cocok untuk mengontrol oleh pengendali programmable dan perangkat pilot tegangan rendah. kontaktor tertentu memiliki kumparan terhubung seri di sirkuit motor; ini digunakan, misalnya, untuk kontrol percepatan otomatis, di mana tahap berikutnya resistance tidak dipotong sampai saat ini motor telah turun. [2]
Build 5W + 1H
What is Contactor ?
contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit, similar to a relay except with higher current ratings.
who control the contactor ?
A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
where is the location of NO and NC ?
NO (Normally Open) on the contactor is located in the coil number 13 and 14 , while NC(Normally Close) is located in the coil number 21 and 22.
when was the contactor found ?
The concept for DP contactors and starters originated in the 1950s.
why is the economizer circuit also installed in the contactor ?
an economizer circuit is also installed to reduce the power required to keep a contactor closed; an auxiliary contact reduces coil current after the contactor closes.
how many components in the contactor ?
A contactor has three components.
1) The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor.
2) Acontactor is not intended to interrupt a short circuitcurrent.
3)The physical size of contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one hand.
1) A contactor has three components.
2) This includes power contacts, auxiliary contacts, andcontact springs.
Present Continous Tense
The contacts are the current carrying part of the contactor
S To be V1+ing O
Reason : Because the sentence tell the event which on going
Simple Present Tense
Magnetic blowouts use blowout coils to lengthen and move the electric arc
S V1 O
Reason : Because the sentence is a fact
Active and Passive Sentences
1) The contacts are carrying part of the contactor.
2) A circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit contactor a control.
1) Part of contactor is being carried by the contacs.
2) A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.
Kamis, 19 Januari 2017
1. Present tense
S+v1 (Active)
Tobe (is/am/are)+v3 (passive)
The technician was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors is was repaired by the techician (passive)
S+v1 (Active)
Tobe (is/am/are)+v3 (passive)
The technician was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors is was repaired by the techician (passive)
Tobe (is/am/are)+being+v3 (passive)
The technician is was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors is being was repaired by the techician (passive)
Tobe (is/am/are)+being+v3 (passive)
The technician is was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors is being was repaired by the techician (passive)
S+have/has+v3 (active)
Have/has+been+being+v3 (passive)
The technician has was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors has been was repaired by the techician (passive)
S+have/has+v3 (active)
Have/has+been+being+v3 (passive)
The technician has was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors has been was repaired by the techician (passive)
Perfect continous
S+have/has+been+ving (active)
S+have/has+been+being+v3 (passive)
The technician has been was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors has been being was repaired by the techician (passive)
S+have/has+been+ving (active)
S+have/has+been+being+v3 (passive)
The technician has been was repairing the contactor (active)
The contactors has been being was repaired by the techician (passive)
2. Past tense
S+v2+o (active)
Tobe (was/were)+v3 (passive)
Minul set the transistor (active)
The transistor was set by minul (passive)
S+v2+o (active)
Tobe (was/were)+v3 (passive)
Minul set the transistor (active)
The transistor was set by minul (passive)
S+tobe+(was/were/)+ving (active)
S+tobe(was/were)+being+v3 (passive)
Minul was setting the transistor (active)
The transistor was being set by minul (passive
S+tobe+(was/were/)+ving (active)
S+tobe(was/were)+being+v3 (passive)
Minul was setting the transistor (active)
The transistor was being set by minul (passive
S+had+v3 (active)
Minul had set the transistor (active)
The transistor had been set by minul(passive)
S+had+v3 (active)
Minul had set the transistor (active)
The transistor had been set by minul(passive)
Perfect continous
Minul had been setting the transistor (active)
The transistor had been being set by minul (passive)
Minul had been setting the transistor (active)
The transistor had been being set by minul (passive)
3. Future tense
S+will/shall/tobe/going to+v1 (active)
Will/shall/tobe(is am are) going to+be+v3 (passive)
I will fix the resistor (active)
The resistor will be fixed by me (passive)
S+will/shall/tobe/going to+v1 (active)
Will/shall/tobe(is am are) going to+be+v3 (passive)
I will fix the resistor (active)
The resistor will be fixed by me (passive)
S+will/shall/tobe going to+be +ving (active)
Will/shall/tobe going to+be+being+v3 (passive)
I will fixing the resistor (active)
The resistor will be being fixed by me (Passive)
S+will/shall/tobe going to+be +ving (active)
Will/shall/tobe going to+be+being+v3 (passive)
I will fixing the resistor (active)
The resistor will be being fixed by me (Passive)
going to+have+v3 (active)
Will/shall/tobe going to+have+been+v3 (passive)
I will have fixed the resistor (active)
The resistor will have been fixed by me (passive)
Will/shall/tobe going to+have+been+v3 (passive)
I will have fixed the resistor (active)
The resistor will have been fixed by me (passive)
Perfect continous
S+will/shall/tobe going to+ have been+ ving (active)
Will/shall/tobe going have+been+being+v3 (passive)
I will have been fixing the resistor (active)
The resistor will have been being fixed by me (passive)
S+will/shall/tobe going to+ have been+ ving (active)
Will/shall/tobe going have+been+being+v3 (passive)
I will have been fixing the resistor (active)
The resistor will have been being fixed by me (passive)
4. Past future tense
S+would/should/tobe(was/were) going to+v1 (active)
Would/should/tobe(was/were)going to+be+v3 (passive)
he would cut the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would be cut by him (passive)
S+would/should/tobe(was/were) going to+v1 (active)
Would/should/tobe(was/were)going to+be+v3 (passive)
he would cut the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would be cut by him (passive)
S+would/should/tobe going to+be+ving(active)
Would/should/tobegoing to+be+v3(passive)
he would be cutting the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would be being cut by him (passive)
S+would/should/tobe going to+be+ving(active)
Would/should/tobegoing to+be+v3(passive)
he would be cutting the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would be being cut by him (passive)
S+would/tobe going to/should+have+v3 (active)
Would/should/tobe going to+have+been+v3 (passive)
he would have cut the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would have been cut by him (passive)
S+would/tobe going to/should+have+v3 (active)
Would/should/tobe going to+have+been+v3 (passive)
he would have cut the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would have been cut by him (passive)
Perfect continous
S+would/should/tobe going to+be have+been+ving (active)
Would/should/tobe going to+have+been+being+v3 (passive)
he would have been cutting the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would have been being cut by him (passive)
S+would/should/tobe going to+be have+been+ving (active)
Would/should/tobe going to+have+been+being+v3 (passive)
he would have been cutting the flow of DC (active)
Flow of DC would have been being cut by him (passive)
Rabu, 11 Januari 2017
Introduce my nama Ilham Noer Nasution. My family and i stayed in Taman Cibodas blok j6 No.2 RT.02/RW.07 Kel.Sangiang Jaya Kec.Periuk. I have one sister and one brother and i’m was the first. My hobbyies are listen to the song NIRVANA. I gruaduated from 8 vocational high school in 2016. Reason to study at UMT, because UMT is the nearest University from my house. Expectation after studying E.E, i want to work achieve success in Krakatau Steel.
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